At CoastPhysio we recognise that as people live longer their desire to stay fit and independent grows ever stronger. We do not feel that age is a barrier and don’t accept that immobility, loss of confidence and falls are simply an inevitable part of ageing. Problems with balance and muscle weakness can be addressed even when you’re in your 90’s.
We will support older people with multiple long term conditions to live healthier, happier lives by carefully tailoring a physiotherapy regime.
Falls are the biggest cause of emergency admissions for older people and significantly impact long term outcomes, especially for those who suffer from a medical condition. At CoastPhysio we can complete a thorough assessment of your falls risk, which looks at everything from medical stability, muscle strength and your environment. We then put in place a plan and advice to reduce your risk of falling. This may mean we refer you to a specialist consultant geriatrician, issue you with equipment or provide a tailored exercise programme.
There is a lot of evidence to show that physical activity and exercise are valuable however old you are and older people gain the most benefit. You can find some of this evidence here.